
I offer many products for wholesale. With a big range of prints you can put together a collection that matches your stores unique heart and soul.  Sometimes I also make unique collaborations and produce illustrations and products just for you and your store. Are you interested? Contact me and II will tell you more about what we can do together!

Wholesale page
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Retailers in sweden
Bryntessons barnbarn, Storgatan 22, Bengtsfors bryntessonsbarnbarn.se
Happy Homes, Cellulosavägen 1, 98238 Gällivare
Hem ljuva Hem, Hamngatan 54, Piteå hemljuvahem.org
Idé inspiration design, Apotekaregatan 6A, Linköping.
Pelikan barnbutik, Gallerian Kiruna
Piteå museum, Storgatan 40, Piteå
Piteå turistbyrå, Bryggargatan 14, Piteå
Rum för Papper, 
Victoriapassagen, Göteborg
Skellefteå turistcenter, Trädgårdsgatan 7
Silvermuseet, Torget Arjeplog

Retailers outside of Sweden
Nordliebe, Storkower Straße 140, Berlin, Tyskland nordliebe.com
Pappsalon, Tach & Höser GbR, Wallstraße 1, 25524 Itzehoe, Germany pappsalon.com
The Red Door Gallery, 42 Victoria Street, Edinburgh, edinburghart.com